Think Jar Collective authors share and curate evidence based tools of creative problem solving and innovation in order to help people and organizations to truly innovate… But, remember you can’t only focus on learning tools! Tools won’t bring lasting results if you don’t also work on cultures and systems of innovation to support.

24 ways to jump start group creativity
Think Jar Collective creativity expert Michael Michalko shares ways to jump start creativity in groups

Essential creative problem solving tool
Ben Weinlick reluctantly lays out an essential creative problem solving technique

Techniques for Formulating Creative Problem Statements
Think Jar Collective author Michael Michalko talks about how to formulate good problem statements. An early stage of Creative Problem Solving

Reversing Assumptions Technique
Think Jar Collective contributor and creativity expert Michael Michalko shares a technique to challenge our own assumptions and in the process spark new thinking.

Thomas Edison's Creative Thinking Habits
Think Jar Collective contributor Michael Michalko shares the creative thinking habits that Thomas Edison practiced.

A 70 year old creativity technique that is still relevant today
Think Jar founder Ben Weinlick shares a summary of an interesting 70 year old book on a creativity and innovation process that still works today.

Random Object Creativity Technique
Michael Michalko shares a useful technique for generating relevant creative ideas using random words to inspire creativity.

Fostering Creativity by Looking in Unlikely Places Part 1
Ben Weinlick of Think Jar Collective share some practical ways to foster creativity and innovation by looking in unlikely places.

Avoiding the wet blanket in creative collaboration
This article from Think Jar founder Ben Weinlick explores some effective practices that will support teams engaged in a collaborative creative process.

Watch and Link Disparate Ideas
An important skill to develop to enhance thinking creatively is to be able to link disparate ideas. This article lays out some provocations to spark creative collisions for innovation

How might you relate Dieter Rams' 10 principles of good design to your domain?
Listen and learn from design expert Dieter Rams on how to be innovative. Try linking these ideas to challenge you're working on.

21 ways to kill creativity
Renowned Creativity and Innovation expert Michael Michalko shares insights on creativity and creative thinking by learning what stifles and kills it.

7 suggestions to enhance creativity
Some good tips to enhance creativity