A curated selection of unique articles related to what creativity and innovation is and how to practice it better as people, organizations and systems.

Breaking Sets, Pattern Interrupts And The Wild Creativity of Buddhist Yogis
Think Jar Collective founder Ben Weinlick shares some insights on parallels between the wild Buddhist Yogis of old and Creative Provocations in innovation and systems change work for good.

Influencing the Space: If AI could meet Buddha
Think Jar Collective member and contemporary artist Willy Bo Richardson on AI, Creativity, and Buddhism

The Thing with Tools and Culture of Innovation
Think Jar Collective founder Ben Weinlick, debunking the myth that all you need are creativity and innovation tools for sustained organizational innovation.

DIY innovations from 30 years of isolation
Great mini documentary on the development of Cuba's DIY culture that emerged over 30 years of necessity.

Punk Rock Innovation
Think Jar Collective contributor Peter Cook on the link between punk rock and innovation

The Braveheart Facilitator Creed
Think Jar Collective contributor and creativity expert Leslie Ehm lays down the law on being an effective creative problem solving facilitator

Fostering Creative Problem Solving In The Social Sector
Ben Weinlick, founder of Think Jar Collective shares the design thinking process that he and a team of social innovators have been experimenting with to improve service quality in the social sector.

Designing Solutions to Foster Creativity in Education
Great project and video related to the No right brain left behind project by Slojd.This is real action around transforming our outdated education system

Twelve Things You Are Not Taught in Schools About Creative Thinking
Think Jar Collective contributor and creativity expert Michael Michalko shares his insights on what we don't learn about creativity in the school system.

Art and Design Intersecting With Leadership
Art intersecting with leadership. John Maeda's new TED talk video on Art, design and leadership.

Social Innovation and Creativity Lessons From India
Social Innovation and creativity from India

What They Did Not Teach Me in Business School
Shaun Brandt of Think Jar Collective and Co-founder of ONST Creative, shares insights on creativity and business that he didn't learn from a typical business education

Why Rejection May Be the Mark of Great Innovation
Leslie Ehm shares insights with Think Jar Collective on what supports innovation and creativity

Brain-calming Vs. Brainstorming
Colin Funk of Think Jar Collective shares his insights on the creativity technique of brain calming

Caine's Arcade: Beautiful story about a boy and his creativity
Amazing story of creativity from youth and an unexpected meeting

Educate for a creative Society
Great video from Innovation guru tom peters on why creativity is so important and how traditional education paradigms often stifle it.

Simple things impacting big innovation in Africa
Inspiring video of innovation in Africa

How might you relate Dieter Rams' 10 principles of good design to your domain?
A look at Dieter Rams design principles and how they might be applied in other domains to spark creativity.

Through the eyes of artists documentary
This film was made by Arthouse Productions and supported by SKILLS Society among others. It follows a group of artists with disabilities from Edmonton, Alberta Canada as they explore social justice issues through various art forms.

Tom Peters on how Innovation is easy!...
Great little clip from Tom Peters on how innovation is actually easy. Check it out to learn how.