A curated selection of unique articles related to what creativity and innovation is and how to practice it better as people, organizations and systems.

Breaking Sets, Pattern Interrupts And The Wild Creativity of Buddhist Yogis
Think Jar Collective founder Ben Weinlick shares some insights on parallels between the wild Buddhist Yogis of old and Creative Provocations in innovation and systems change work for good.

Influencing the Space: If AI could meet Buddha
Think Jar Collective member and contemporary artist Willy Bo Richardson on AI, Creativity, and Buddhism

DIY innovations from 30 years of isolation
Great mini documentary on the development of Cuba's DIY culture that emerged over 30 years of necessity.

Shifting perception and the invention of velcro
Renowned Creativity expert Michael Michalko shares an interesting story about the invention of velcro and offers a couple tests for pattern recognition and lateral thinking when problem solving.

Video: Brian Eno on cowboys, creativity and surrender
Think Jar Collective shares a provocative video of Brian Eno sharing his insights on creativity, art and cowboys.

Video: Creativity and Flow
Video from Jason Silva that explores what creativity and the flow state is.

Walk on the wild side: The legacy of Lou Reed for innovators
Think Jar Collective contributor Peter Cook explores the influence of Lou Reed and how we can learn some lessons about innovation from him.

Raw Confident Creativity
These young guys (11 and 12) from Brooklyn are examples of raw and confident creativity that is rarely seen. There is something to learn from and be jealous of in young people who dive in to a creative endeavour and ignore the naysayers.

Video: The contrast between Banality and Awe
Great video from performance philosopher Jason Silva on creativity and the contrast between banality and awe.

A Lesson in Creative Thinking from Vincent van Gogh
Think Jar Collective contributor Michael Michalko shares insights on creativity and how to enhance it.

Creative Thinking And Leonardo Da Vinci
Think Jar Collective Contributor Michael Michalko shares some interesting insights that links Leonardo Da Vinci, Creativity and Creative Process.

Artist Craig Costello on moving beyond creative blocks
A great video from ON Creativity about ways to move beyond creativity blocks

How to Protect Your Ideas from the Dreaded Reptilian Brain
In this article Think Jar member Leslie Ehm explores what helps to manage the fight or flight response of the reptilian brain and how it affects creativity.

Liter of Light- Human centered design resulting in social innovation
Creative innovation example that resulted from a human centred design thinking process.

Constraints and Creativity
Think Jar Collective member Peter Cook explores the link between Django Reinhardt and Tony Iommi.

IDEO's Tim Brown on Design Thinking
IDEO's tim Brown shares what how to foster creativity through serious play.

George Lois on Creativity
America Graphic Designer George Lois shares his wild insights on creativity in this video

Rebels, Creativity and Artificial Intelligence
Think Jar Collective member and early AI pioneer Piero Scaruffi brings an interesting perspective on creativity, AI and rebels

The Paradox of Innovation
Think Jar Collective member and early AI pioneer Piero Scaruffi reflects on creativity and innovation

Sparking Serious Play and Creativity
To loosen up mental habits and playfully spark creativity, plant this book in a key bumping space in your organization.