A curated selection of unique articles related to what creativity and innovation is and how to practice it better as people, organizations and systems.

Breaking Sets, Pattern Interrupts And The Wild Creativity of Buddhist Yogis
Think Jar Collective founder Ben Weinlick shares some insights on parallels between the wild Buddhist Yogis of old and Creative Provocations in innovation and systems change work for good.

Nudge Science: Removing obstacles & making it easier for a desired change to emerge
Reflections on the new tools and practices of nudge science in innovation and systems change work.

The Thing with Tools and Culture of Innovation
Think Jar Collective founder Ben Weinlick, debunking the myth that all you need are creativity and innovation tools for sustained organizational innovation.

Fostering Creative Problem Solving In The Social Sector
Ben Weinlick, founder of Think Jar Collective shares the design thinking process that he and a team of social innovators have been experimenting with to improve service quality in the social sector.

Raw Confident Creativity
These young guys (11 and 12) from Brooklyn are examples of raw and confident creativity that is rarely seen. There is something to learn from and be jealous of in young people who dive in to a creative endeavour and ignore the naysayers.

Frank Zappa Showing How To Deviate From The Norm
Amazing video of Zappa in 1963 shaking up the status quo. Lots of creativity lessons here.

Art and Design Intersecting With Leadership
Art intersecting with leadership. John Maeda's new TED talk video on Art, design and leadership.

Empathy In Creativity and Design Thinking
Interesting video and look at how empathy helps us make and create

IDEO's Tim Brown on Design Thinking
IDEO's tim Brown shares what how to foster creativity through serious play.

Richard Feynman, Spinning Plates and Serious Play
A look at how Serious Play was a big part of Richard Feynman's creative process and led to nobel winning insights

The Paradox of Innovation
Think Jar Collective member and early AI pioneer Piero Scaruffi reflects on creativity and innovation

Sparking Serious Play and Creativity
To loosen up mental habits and playfully spark creativity, plant this book in a key bumping space in your organization.

The Tyranny of Making Ideas Happen
Think Jar Collective founder Ben Weinlick looks at the notion that ideas are nothing and action everything problem solving.

Chuck Close writes note to younger self
Artist Chuck Close writes a letter to his younger self offering advice on how to be more creative

Caine's Arcade: Beautiful story about a boy and his creativity
Amazing story of creativity from youth and an unexpected meeting

Creativity is just connecting things
Steve Jobs reflecting on the essential thing about creativity and developing an innovative culture.

Simple things impacting big innovation in Africa
Inspiring video of innovation in Africa

Frank Zappa on the value of "cigar chomping old guys"
Great video of Frank Zappa sharing a critical thinking perspective on the music industry.

Think Jar on the 2012 Intersection event at Pixar
Think Jar Collective on the 2012 Intersection event at Pixar

Scott Berkun on critical thinking
Article on critical thinking from innovation guru Scott Berkun