A curated selection of unique articles related to what creativity and innovation is and how to practice it better as people, organizations and systems.

Breaking Sets, Pattern Interrupts And The Wild Creativity of Buddhist Yogis
Think Jar Collective founder Ben Weinlick shares some insights on parallels between the wild Buddhist Yogis of old and Creative Provocations in innovation and systems change work for good.

The Carrot Clarinet: The creative act of linking two previously unrelated things
Cool TEDx Sydney video of maker Linsey Pollack linking two unrelated objects in a creative way.

Richard Feynman, Spinning Plates and Serious Play
A look at how Serious Play was a big part of Richard Feynman's creative process and led to nobel winning insights

Sparking Serious Play and Creativity
To loosen up mental habits and playfully spark creativity, plant this book in a key bumping space in your organization.

Video on why Serious Play
IDEO's Tim Brown on why Serious Play helps innovation.